Once upon a sonic odyssey in 2016, D of Unelmia embarked on a musical journey fueled by a deep-seated love for metal. It wasn’t until the discovery of avant-garde bands like Thy Catafalque from Hungary and Windir from Norway that D’s perspective on music underwent a transformative shift. These bands, with their experimental approach, became the catalysts for Unelmia’s evolution, inspiring a newfound joy in musical experimentation. Unelmia‘s featured track, “Wiecha,” draws its inspiration from a Polish tradition, capturing the essence of warmth and nostalgia akin to memories of hometown idylls.
Navigating through the interview, D unveils the creative process behind the recent EP, “Przedwiosna,” a collaborative effort with friend Arek from Katowice. The duo crafts their music in a home studio, blending metal guitar riffs with synthesizers, echoing the influences of Thy Catafalque and Windir. As the interview unfolds, D reflects on the challenges faced as a studio project, expressing a curiosity about the possibility of taking their music to live performances in the future.
Amidst the tales of musical exploration, D shares a personal favorite, “Przedwiosna,” from the first EP, expressing a profound connection to its energetic essence. Looking ahead, Unelmia teases an upcoming project or album, set in the harsh and aggressive spirit of the first Darkthrone albums, all within the enchanting embrace of winter.
Being part of the compilation is acknowledged with gratitude, as D sends a heartfelt message to fans for their unwavering support and appreciation. Dream collaborations with Tamás Kátai and Alan Parsons are dreamily revealed, and a desire to master the challenging violin is confessed.
Closing the chapter, D extends thanks to the audience, hoping that each listener discovers something meaningful within the sonic world of Unelmia. To stay connected, Unelmia invites everyone to explore their musical realm on Facebook, Bandcamp, Instagram, YouTube, and other platforms, providing a sonic sanctuary for those seeking a unique and evocative musical experience.